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Surrogacy Law

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WHAT IS Surrogacy?

WHAT IS Surrogacy?

Many couple fails to have a child even after all treatment option like IUI, IVF, ICSI etc. this may be due to unhealthy uterus which may not allow the fetus to grow even though healthy embryos are transferred. In such condition the biological parents get can opt to get their own embryo to be transferred to a woman with healthy uterus, so as to allow fetus to grow. In all ways it is their own child, but the woman who agrees to nourish the child and carry for 9 months becomes a surrogate mother, so that couple can have a baby.

Who needs surrogacy?

Indication for surrogacy
Can be anything that causes infertility in the couple, which leads failure of all treatment modules.
In females diseases of uterus like fibroid, uterine abnormalities, endometriosis, endometrial adhesions, congenital absence of uterus, pelvic infections destroying the pelvis, repeated abortions or medical problems contra medicating a pregnancy can go for surrogacy. Women after hysterectomy, renal surgery, cardiac/liver or other major problems which make them unable to conceive can do surrogacy.
Social causes like unability to find time to take break from career is a new indication for surrogacy and may become a common cause in future.
Male infertility associated with female problems may also need in case of repeated ICSI failures.
Gay couples or single men who want to have children often opt for surrogacy.

Is surrogacy legal in India?

Many countries like USA and European countries have banned surrogacy in their country
There are no laws against surrogacy in India. There are moves to make it more legalized through new bills, which may take some time. This is to protect the rights of the child and the surrogate mother.
As of now there are no laws binding it in India.

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