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Surrogacy Law

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What is involved in Surrogacy?

What is involved in Surrogacy?
Surrogacy is decided by the couple, they need to have detailed counseling regarding all aspects and medical screening is done. Adoption is also discussed then suitable candidates are allotted from the pool of willing women.
They are usually thoroughly screened before hand. After finishing legal papers signed by both, month of treatment for IVF is decided and posted. It might take couple of months depending on availability.
Both are synchronized for treatments in their period cycle IVF or ICSI is conducted and the result of pregnancy after confirmation is taken care. Many couple prefers for them to
stay in hospital till delivery and is optional. During the stay all expenses have to be met by the couple. The delivery of the surrogate is conducted by whichever mode needed and babies’ birth is registered under name of biological mother. The baby is handed over to couple after birth and surrogate mother is given compensation, she will taken care till fit to discharge.
Does surrogate mother stay in the Hospital?
The option is left to the couple who goes for it and depends on the surrogate’s willingness.
Some might prefer to go back to their family and come for regular check up and the option are discussed before allotting to the couple.
Some women like to stay and take rest and be taken cared of and then the couple must be willing to take all expenses, that is incurred.
Who selects the surrogate mother?
The doctor decides to select one or more number of surrogates to a particular couple from the pool of women who have undergone screening. It is usually depended on their demands and needs (egg: stay in hospital or not)
How is surrogate screening?
In gyno ivf center we have strict protocol for selection as follows
  1. Age below 30 years
  2. At least one child before
  3. Medically fit and healthy
  4. Minimum educational qualification graduation.
  5. No history genetic problems/ familial diseases
  6. Lab tests – Blood R/E, Sugar, cholesterol, bleeding profile, infection screening, HIV, HBSAg, VDRL, etc are done.
  7. Weight is normal limits.( under nourished are not selected )
  8. USS is done to check pelvis is normal.
  9. Husband must be willing to agree for surrogacy.

Do you have a surrogate pool?
In gyno ivf centre, we have many women, who have underwent screening and is ready for surrogacy.
Depending on the demand some times there might be waiting list.
It is not repeated in the same women in our center at least for 3 years and we prefer not to, unless necessary.
What is cost?
Cost involves many expanses and cannot be predicted accurately, as every couple have different problems and different needs.
Anyway following costs are encored
  1. Selection and screening costs and initial compensation for coming forward.
  2. Consultation and allotment cost
  3. Investigation of the couple
  4. IVF/ICSI cost
  5. Accommodation during procedure (1 month) if needed.
  6. Pregnancy confirmation should follow payment to the surrogate (small portion)
  7. Accommodation 9 months if required
  8. luteal support –medical charges to support pregnancy
  9. Antenatal case lab test vaccinations, regular scanning medications, travel expenses if needed, cost of admissions for medical problems if needed.(medical problems like bleeding, pain, vomiting, infections, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, preterm labor, etc may require admission and treatment) 
  10. Changes delivery/caesarian and postnatal care of mother. Any neonatal admissions if required.
  11. Compensation (complete) to surrogate mother the amount will be discussed and fixed prior to starting the procedure. This is not fixed as some women especially those are with job and qualification often demand more than housewives as their income is compromised
The couple who wants the surrogacy should be prepared to take any unexpected costs that comes due to medical problems in pregnancy as hospital is not liable for those


  1. Surrogacy is a different way for couple to make their family happy. Get updates and more treatments like this visit at: Dr. Sujata Rathod Best Gynaecologist In Thane West


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