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Donor IUI (donor insemination)/donor sperm IVF

Donor IUI (donor insemination)/donor sperm IVF

This is the procedure in which healthy sperms are deposited in the uterus of the women at the time of ovulation in order to archive a successful pregnancy.


Male infertility from any cause.
  • Azoospermia (absence of sperm)     Due to genetic, obstructive or diseases
  • Asthenospermia. ( absence of adequate motile sperms)  due to disease
  • Teratospermia. (Abnormal sperms) where a normal pregnancy is not achieved.
  • Necrospermia (dead sperms)  No viable sperms to fertilize egg
  • Impotence and failure of   ejaculation when male partner is unable to ejaculate to provide semen.
  • Genetic abnormalities and Diseases which might seriously effect next generation is also an indication for using donor sperm.
  • Failed ICSI/IUI.   If male infertility is not successfully treated with ICSI or IUI as sperm is not healthy, donor sperm is considered.
  • Financial reasons. If patient can’t afford expensive treatment like ICSI they may  prefer Donor IUI which is affordable for them.
  1. Counselling 
  2. Screening both partners thoroughly to confirm male factor
  3. Investigating female to check patency of tubes and ovulation
  4. Screening for infections
  5. Consent 9written) from Husband and wife
  6. Choosing method   ---- donor IUI or donor IVF
  7. Preparing wife with medicines for ovulation, follicular study and urinary ovulation tests
  8. Insemination of healthy sperms during ovulation.
  9. Medicines for supporting pregnancy  
Details of donor sample

 All infection screening is done There are two methods.
  1. Donor bank
  2. Specific donor
Donor bank

Individual characters cannot be provided as it is a vast pool. The infection screening is complete and samples are frozen
Specific donor

Patient who request specific features like height, colour, high professional qualification (Eg: engineers Doctors)

Specific donor can be requested, but payment might be higher as per their demand.

Infection screening is done for   all samples irrespective of their background

Usually only very low no is done in such cases per person, so chances of child meeting sibling in future is rare.

The couple have to maintain total confidentiality. From the hospital, this information will be totally confidential.

The hospital will not be liable for any future social problems, which results, if couple breaks the confidentiality.

The donating person will never be informed i.e. the identity of the recipient.
Any rules and regulation which might arise in the future will be strictly followed and protocols are revised annually.  


  1. Nice post. Thanks for the share. IVFSurrogacy.in is a unique opportunity to get full service surrogacy, egg donation and IVF treatment agency in India. It provides Surrogacy Cost India and Surrogacy Delhi

  2. Due to the shortage of egg donors many women have to wait for suitable donors to come forward and unfortunately some end up missing out on valuable IVF treatment due to the small numbers of people volunteering their eggs for donation. IVF and gender selection

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